Imagine the scene—gleeful children ripping open presents, harassed parents surveying the carnage of once-tidy homes, disgruntled relatives muttering disapproval into their third glass of sherry. Lady Gaga is known for her extensive makeup looks. She is like a chameleon capable of pulling off different and extreme looks quite powerfully. But behind all her clever and unique makeup looks is her changed appearance. It is believed that the Poker face hitmaker had her nose and lips altered. She is said to have gone for lip augmentation. Professional poker players no longer have to worry about 'tells.' Jack Berdy of Manhattan has pioneered a specialized botox procedure to help card players remain stoic and stony-faced during. We guess we shouldn't trust her poker face when she talks about plastic surgery. Tara Reid's plastic surgery stories can be seen very much as a warning, as both. According to the New York Post, poker players may be drawn to the procedure because it numbs the muscles that help form expressions, making it easier to make a believable 'poker face.' A doctor in the city is using the term 'pokertox' to help draw in these customers. 'Very few people can maintain a real poker face,' the doctor told the news source.
Lady Gaga, real name Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, has been a star known for her radical and beautiful pop songs such as Poker Face and Born This Way. Both songs are about being who we are and not being afraid to let the world know that we are proud of ourselves. However, there have been rumors of a Lady Gaga plastic surgery in the recent past. The rumors mainly touch on the issue of a Lady Gaga nose job given that her nose looks evidently different from what it looked like a few years ago.
My Poker Face
Though she clearly has no poker face, Lady Gaga could have found it quite difficult to resist the allure of plastic surgery in doing away with her poker face. The change in looks made her look way younger than she is. Born in 1986, Lady Gaga should be 30 years of age yet her new look makes her appear ten years younger. Given the hype created by the Lady Gaga plastic surgery rumors, one would be forgiven for thinking she made too many changes. But wait, was that all.
Lady Gaga Plastic Surgery Image Source
she did or there is more?
Botox Speculations
For her age, one would not expect her to look any younger than she is. Neither will she look any older. But when you keep the same look for over two decades, people will always ask questions. For example, does the lack of sunken skin or any wrinkles mean that she went for Botox injections? Maybe the Lady Gaga age of 30 is nothing to her since she keeps getting younger and younger. For one, she has all the money she needs to keep herself the way she wants. But
Poker Face Surgery
Lady Gaga Nose Job Image Source
then again, can the rumors about a Lady Gaga nose job end at that?
What of Lip Fillers?
For many stars in Hollywood, the issue of plastic surgery is still a scary one. That is why they start off with a lip filler which is neither permanent nor invasive. Many speculate that Gaga started out her journey with lip fillers as her lips are clearly puffier than what they looked like before she went for the braver versions of the surgery. Lip fillers have been the talk of Hollywood for a long time as they change the look of the person with most of them becoming sexier.
Lady Gaga Before & After Plastic Surgery Image Source
Other Surgeries
Although Gaga has not done too many of the plastic surgeries, people still speculate that she must have done some augmentation on her breasts. While this rumor stays to be debated, her breasts look quite large for a person her size. Even still in doubt is whether she did an augmentation or had actual implants inserted. The thing is that she has had them for a while now and the rumors may be just that; rumors and nothing more. For the most dedicated observers, any change in the person's look could lead them to say that they have gone under the knife.
Lady Gaga Plastic Surgery Before & After Image Source
Poker Face Surgery
Lady Gaga Nose Job Image Source
then again, can the rumors about a Lady Gaga nose job end at that?
What of Lip Fillers?
For many stars in Hollywood, the issue of plastic surgery is still a scary one. That is why they start off with a lip filler which is neither permanent nor invasive. Many speculate that Gaga started out her journey with lip fillers as her lips are clearly puffier than what they looked like before she went for the braver versions of the surgery. Lip fillers have been the talk of Hollywood for a long time as they change the look of the person with most of them becoming sexier.
Lady Gaga Before & After Plastic Surgery Image Source
Other Surgeries
Although Gaga has not done too many of the plastic surgeries, people still speculate that she must have done some augmentation on her breasts. While this rumor stays to be debated, her breasts look quite large for a person her size. Even still in doubt is whether she did an augmentation or had actual implants inserted. The thing is that she has had them for a while now and the rumors may be just that; rumors and nothing more. For the most dedicated observers, any change in the person's look could lead them to say that they have gone under the knife.
Lady Gaga Plastic Surgery Before & After Image Source
Plastic surgery on the runway at New York Fashion Week
September 26, 2013 - plastic surgery, plastic surgery before-and-after photos, Botox, Cosmetic Surgery, nose job, rhinoplasty, liposuction, American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
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Poker Face Surgery Complications
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Poker Face Surgery Before And After Photos
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